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Kundalini Awakening - The Body's Secret Power

Kundalini Awakening - The Body's Secret Power

As a writer on the facility of chakra therapeutic by way of the imaginative use of the language of storytelling, poetry, track and art I take note of words and to the invites from words. That is particularly so the place others who invite chakra therapeutic are, in my view, not being conscious of the words they use. I recently came throughout this headline:-

kundalini rising Awakening - The Body's Secret Weapon
It is a great invitation to opening and aligning the chakras however I think is spoiled by its wording which in a subtle manner invites the concept of the body as a weapon. Do not forget that the Means of Chakra Healing is the invitation to feeling related to the energy of the subtle body. The word weapon is outlined in The New Oxford Dictionary of English as follows:-

a factor designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or bodily pain.
Unlike another words that may be more open to interpretation this is the only definition for the word 'weapon.' Words are the way through which on constructs one's intention. Weapons are often used as an expression of the will to energy which is a immature and even diseased dynamic of the personal power chakra (third chakra). The Kundalini force is the invitation to be aligned with the facility to like and beyond that is within you. I think it would have been more invitational if this headline read

Kundalini Awakening - The Body's Secret Power.
It is a real power but like all energy it might develop into a power for good of evil. After I use the word 'good' here I use it as it is associated to the expertise of transcendence beyond the separate sense of self. The idea of excellent versus evil is basically a second chakra dynamic that is transcended via the need to love and beyond.

This power is an internal body power. It is secret but it isn't a weapon although this Kundalini awakening energy has the power to cause hurt to these whose body and thoughts are in poor health prepared to include the expertise of the certainless throughout the boundary of the body. Additionally it is necessary that one be pure of any sense of ego or narcisstic self curiosity in pursuing this power for their very own purposes. This Kundalini awakening power shouldn't be only a secret energy but is a sacred power. It is the power of co-creation and is meant to be used for the highest good of all.

The words you employ to feed your thoughts are so important. This tends to be discounted. Individuals use words in a very unconscious means such as above. Once I invite a deeper understanding of this situation I tend to find that it causes a defensive reaction. I am told, "Its only a word." So let me share with you some words of power.

You Have Wings
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi

You have been born with potential. You had been born with goodness and trust. You have been born with beliefs and dreams. You were born with greatness. You had been born with wings. You aren't meant for crawling, so don't. You might have wings. Study to make use of them and fly!

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi

The awakening of the Kundalini experience is the invitation to fly. It's the movement from the earth sure sense of separate self (crawling) to learning to connect to the high energy of kundalini. The above poem by Rumi accommodates no invitation to make use of the body as a weapon. The inside body has secrets which might be revelations. These are revelations that come up from the connection to the subtle body moving inside and through the bodily body.

This is the movement of deeper and more refined energy that is alchemised by the practices of acceptance, permitting, tenderness, kindness, dedication and letting go. None of these words are invitations to the body being a secret weapon. The process of chakra therapeutic is more a form of bodily surrender. You place down all your weapons and your defences. The usage of the word "weapon" is identical focus we apply after we use the phrases

War on drugs. War on cancer Combating disease.

It is a very dualistic focus and a very 2nd chakra dynamic. It is the focus on trying to get rid of one thing by destroying it. That is all the difference on the planet between destroying energy and alchemising it. In truth as quantum mechanics assures us energy can't be destroyed. Whereas the kinds created from energy will be destroyed the energy that makes up the shape cannot. It simply adjustments from one kind to a different or returns to the shapeless out of which all varieties arise.
With the intention to follow The Way of Chakra Healing one is required to take heed to the thoughts that you invite to feed you energy system. That is true even of 1 word. The Kundalini energy is very powerful. It is the power of Love. As that power turns into more and more refined it strikes higher and expands into the knowing that you are Love itself. This awareness is grounded throughout the interior body. There's a place here for effort however not for weaponry.

Select your words properly for you'll grow to be what they invite. That is the ability of affirmation which is the facility of words allied with feeling. Don't invite any secret power that is imagined as a weapon because under spiritual laws that weapon will probably be turned in opposition to you. This isn't a punishment however is the balancing of energy. Be inviting of give up and never power. The awakening of the Kundalini pressure begins within the root chakra and moves higher. It is a secret power however it is most available to those that approach through the angle of a body in surrender.

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